Tuesday, August 30, 2011


  • Write response to 2Pager: 'Constitutional Convention' on Moodle.
Objective:  To Understand the Fears many of the framers had of factions when constructing the Constitution

    Monday, August 29, 2011

    8/30 Vocabulary Discussion

    • Discuss the essential vocabulary for the unit.  (See links for PowerPoint)
    Objective:  Understand the terms used in the creation of the US Constitution.

    You MUST have a Notebook and Folder for class by THURSDAY.

    Sunday, August 28, 2011

    8/29 Here's To A New Week...

    Weekly Assignment on Moodle...DUE FRIDAY by MIDNIGHT 
    (See me BY THURSDAY if there is a problem)

    Agenda:  Discuss 2Pager, 'Constitutional Convention'

    Objective:  Understand the framers' fear of factions

    Thursday, August 25, 2011


    Good job so far!

    • Read 2-pager on Constitutional Convention together and understand why the framers were worried about factions forming (Madison)

    Objective: Make sure you understand the objective of the framers of the Constitution including the fears they had that directed many decisions

    Monday, August 8, 2011

    It's All New....

    I am truly excited to be here with you this year. For those of you that do not know me from Rapid Run, this will be my 5th year in this great district and my first year at Oak Hills. I am an Oak Hills graduate myself and I am very proud of my Alma mater. I currently live in Loveland with my wife and daughter and I have a little boy on the way...sometime in late October/early November. I look forward to getting to know and work with all of you. This class will be challenging, but it will also be fun and interesting. If you put forth the effort you will do great. Here's to a great year....